CASIO fx-140


Brand: CASIO
Model: fx-140
Type: Scientific calculator
Picture: CASIO fx-100
Batteries: AA x 2 (or NiCad battery pack NP-2M)
Lifetime: Introduced: unknown
Terminated: unknown
Notes: Nice 10-digit scientific calculator with a fluorescent display. Present are the usual bunch of scientific functions but also a fraction key. A slider is used to switch calculator modes such as the angle mode and to enable statistical functions. Basically this calculator is the 10-digit version of the CASIO fx-39.

The calculator shows 10 digits normally and 8 digits when scientific notation is used.

This calculator (as do many other CASIO scientific calculators) uses one and the same key for both the constant π as well as exponents. This works as follows. When you first enter digits, the "EXP"-key will enable you to enter the numbers exponent, otherwise it will enter the constant π.

Thank you, Joop Berck, for donating this nice calculator to the museum.


A power adapter (AD-4145).