Texas Instruments TI-35 II


Brand: Texas Instruments
Model: TI-35 II
Type: Scientific calculator
Picture: TI-35 II
Batteries: LR 44 x 2
Lifetime: Introduced: unknown
Terminated: unknown
Notes: This calculator is the successor to and indeed functionally identical to the TI-35.

It is practically identical to the TI-25 and identical to the TI-35. It has the same peculiarities as the TI-25 (see the page on the TI-25).

The TI-35 II has a bigger "="-key, and the "DRG" and "OFF"-keys are swapped. The display is the same, the accuracy is the same, and it’s roughly the same size as its predecessors as well.

Even so, there’s a big improvement over the TI-35, namely the keyboard is much better and doesn’t bounce. And the keyboard is much clearer as well.