Texas Instruments TI-55-II


Brand: Texas Instruments
Model: TI-55-II
Type: Programmable scientific calculator
Picture: TI-55-II
Batteries: LR 44 x 2
Lifetime: Introduced: 1981
Terminated: unknown
Notes: This is the enhanced version of an older LED calculator, the TI-55. The calculator has a slanted display and a beautifully expensive look to it.

This calculator is programmable in a limited way ("LRN"-key programmable). There are just about 56 program steps available. The memory however is constant.

The scientific part of this calculator is quite thorough, with many statistical functions (marked in red on the keyboard), numeric conversions and numeric integrals. The integral function calculates the volume of a programmed formula between two endpoints.

A huge disadvantage of this calculator is the fact that the keyboard wasn’t designed very well and keys start to bounce after continuous use.