Texas Instruments TI-58 C


Brand: Texas Instruments
Model: TI 58 C
Type: Programmable scientific calculator
Picture: TI 58 C
Batteries: Battery pack
Lifetime: Introduced: 1978
Terminated: unknown
Notes: The TI 58, TI 58 C and the TI 59 are programmable calculators that can be extended using Solid State Software Libraries.

The TI 58 C has non volatile memory (constant memory).

This series of programmable calculators (TI SR-52, TI SR-56, TI 57, TI 58, TI 58 C, TI 59) really set the tone of most programmable scientific calculators to follow. But they also clearly borrow from the fabulous HP calculators that came before them.

The programming instructions of this calculator include flags (which could be used for a number of hidden functions as well), indirect addressing, subroutines, ...

I actually used this calculator for quite a while, until its battery pack finally gave up.


This calculator can be mounted on top of an extension module, which I have never actually seen myself. This module connects via a row of contacts in the calculator’s battery compartment. Available are the printers PC-100A and the PC-100C.

There is also a power adapter.